说到<朋友>,它的含义应该也很多吧। 朋友是时间. 朋友是考验. 朋友是岁月. 朋友是和睦. 友情有酸甜苦辣.很像交女友一样...真的要交好好的,也许会更难叻.朋友也满多类的. 有些人提到朋友, 就大骂一场说: 没有朋友, 真正的朋友就是<有钱就是朋友,没钱就>说真的, 我也认同这样的说法. 但有钱可以是很长时间的朋友, 难道没钱就不能吗? 我也同意这样的说法. 但称为rambo的我以一个中立的想法去想呐, 就凡事都有他的好与坏. 所谓时间也是朋友, 就是友情是需要时间的磨练与栽培的.你永远也找不到一位刚认识的朋友能更了解你,更知道你的脾气,唯有那些长久和知心的朋友,长久时间的朋友能体会你的想法.也所谓人有想法,社会有律法,打仗有孙子兵法,爱情有它的爱法,困难有它的解法,压力也有它的压法,所以友情也有它的社交法.也有些交了很旧的朋友你也不很了解,噢...那你真的很可悲咯,因为你交的朋友是个演员,(可疑分子, 也不会很悲啦,你不是把他当<经.典.人.物.>看待咯.死后可大谈言论,(那他也成功了,因为他在你心中的地位以赢得一席了,只是那些言论是你不喜欢的而已话说回来,朋友也有很多类.对你笑脸迎面待你的总是称你是好朋友但在背后桶你的叫奸友.二等朋友是为了某某事情与你交的叫谋友.三等是钱来钱去的叫利友.四等是死友就是死死的朋友. dimension_jeff 提到所谓的-朋友 . 不是朋友.我也如此觉得,不叫朋友的也许更为朋友.
也许你会认为奸友不能交।也许交过的朋友早看透了,只是没说罢了.其实也不是不能交只是不要深交而已.就算交了,面对问题了,也得看你能不能消化而已,不能的话就上网来消化咯...唉唉...我已经消化了喔...只是与你们分享心得而已. 如果你不曾交过奸友,你就去交吧...把他当<经.典.人.物.>看待...哈哈...其实那也不是你能刻意想交就交的,如果刻意的那也许你是二等的谋友了...
利友其实也瞒不错的啦,因为他能替你<做>钱?#35828;难听的就是利用他赚钱?#22909;听的就是他帮你赚钱। 但要成为好好的朋友,就千千万万不可以合伙,因为多好的朋友一谈钱就伤感情, 为什么? 我也不是很知道. 除非你不认为他是你很好很好的朋友,那就无所谓啦. 如果好友就不要合伙,如果硬硬要合伙, 也千万做的事情是不要很会赚很多钱的, 因为钱多了,就想要怎样分, 除非谈好条件, 不要分钱, 做慈善.你说能吗?(那是你们的事情了,我也不知道也不是全全不能啦,只是好的案例实在太少了,就是因为少,如果合伙成功, 那就是你厉害的秘诀了.(知道如何经营好的友情所以不要认为这些是不可能的. 凡是都有它可能性的存在.其实还有很多朋友的说法,像损友,色友,性友,酒友,车友,打架的朋友,老友,女友,吃友,亲友,烂友,等等......只是我的智商没这么高,想不到而已. 如果给文笔好的人,也许整个网页都写不完.
真正好朋友的是不会多说什么的,一个眼神就该会了解多多少少了। 在你身旁肯定也拥有这样的朋友, 也许还没察觉是如何的朋友, 就算知道是不好的, 也不用排斥他, 因为人会变的. 我也会变的, 只是不知道怎样的变法而已?#32473;他机会, 如果机会太多了, 就diam diam, 让他自己diam diam, 然后你也要diam diam, 思考在思考, 可能是你自己的问题叻. 如果不是, 那也许时间久了了解了, 他会回头的,如果还不行就找有经验的人, 长辈级的uncle, untie帮帮你们吧?那他可能就是你最好的朋友了. <<人没有十全十美>>这句话从世世代代都这样传下来, 后人的我们啊- 用它,摸索它, 这样能在你的人生里活得更精彩更有意义.
朋友啊,要也难,不要也不能.有了就很烦,没有又更烦.复杂的朋友又要分辨出来,做category, group, 然后set在handphone或pda里,多麻烦.社会人群就是这样的了.要找真正知心的就要珍惜之前所认识的了,人不会年轻一辈子,但年轻的心情可以保持一辈子.但我也不会保证我能做到老时依然有年轻的心.因为我可能也会变...变老了没力气不能奔奔跳跳吶...你去看看一下古晋的那些老阿伯, 多数的阿伯不是打mahjong就是养鸟,在来就是跑步,有的也是看整天的报纸,好一点的就去公园聊天.对我来说很无聊咯.我知道那是他们的生活方式,但也会闲的叻...找多一点的东西做嘛,像写书,写论文,写人生续集,写人生感想,去自主旅游,去探险(哦?对了,可能没体力了,做音乐,做歌,出国两三个月等等...几自由,几快活啊...爽啊...我知道,老时可能朋友一个一个死了没朋友了,所以要多多的找朋友吖...还有就是不要活太久, 问我为什么,因为我不想朋友比我更找去,留下自己,我知道还有家人, 但怎样也没有朋友那种玩法去玩了...如果你会教你的孩子们怎么疯,然后又能自我教育,那你也算厉害的父亲了,但真的很少父子能关系很融洽的咯...不是没有啦,只是很少而已...累了. 完.
for more information http://www.thelife.com.my
talk about movie by bjarne (支持本地原创)
talk about movie by bjarne. i think that local movie what the star cineplex had done is very good but not standard lah, for this moment. u know why i say so? because that is the 1ST movie that he had try, it might not so good in the 1st place that he din't have any experience or maybe they din't or scard to put more budget because of the market value is not worth. and i think we should give him more chances to try for the coming movie that he do. do you see the movie ready? i think you had seen it before rite? i watched it also, for me is not interest lah, but for the 1st view for visitor that come from other countury, maybe for them is interest... because the movie view has so many sarawak jungle view, it is nice... and just imagine that the artist in the movie is not from local, maybe you have other opinion ready nehhh... go and see the hong kong movie, is there 100% nice movie? NO!!! there also have some shit movie... boring one lah, rite? ... really for you ... just imagine and imagine the artist is chow jun fa, wahlau you must go and see one ... rite? you see 80'an hong kong movie? also very low quality... but why now they have become more perfect movie in asia? because they are also upgrading themself? why they can upgrading themself? because they have the opportunity to do so? why they have the opportunity to do so? because their environment and the goverment and the own hong kong peopple to support it... while they are in 80'an, even now, some of the hong kong people also thought their movie very no class, but compare only with hollywood lah... so WE to be a malaysian, kuching people, the 1st thing we have to think all about is ourself, we have to win our own 1st, so kuching-bjarne might win in this situation, . how about whole of the kuching people? 'belum perang sudah mati', are you the one?(joking) are you do anything thing without taking risk? NOTHING is without risk! everything have their own risk, even sleep also can die, rite? not only movie? like dream machine demo, also have so many fellow complain, even slap! demo. they have try their own best to come out with the cd for kuching own people, but what they had meet the hardest, is KUCHING PEOPLE. they had win themself while they come out this cd, but what kuching people said all about this? even this website, sure have some of the business kaki talking : . walau eh kuching, kuching, memang belum perang sudah mati. how to be??? oh ghost... 'wa si kuo diu kui' like all this kind of fellow ah... also we to be HUMAN, must have one thing, and the thing called 'li xiang', no 'li xiang' life like shit... about the price RM9, for me also not worth lah, but why don't you wait on wednesday, then you go and watch loh... RM5 only, rite? that is why they do this promotion...hahaha... ok finished liao
FROM desperado1694 at http://www.thelife.com.my/thelifeForum.php helo....wake up pls.........r u in a dreaming world?we are not talking abt establsihing or upgrade ourself. u say Bjarne wong don have the Experience?oh please....go and look for the Borneo Post Exclusive interview with him...u know wht he say? "I have a vast of experience working with stanley toh, bla, bla, bla....."and using this kind of shitty experience, u make a really "NICE" movie? of cos i did watch the movie. Its not a prb for me...but is tht money u paying is worth for the movie?i say NO........i even read the commenct on latest movie in the website. Its a people from west malaysia wrote that Bjarne just try to make a jokes out of him self. there say, no doubt the scenery of the movie is impressive but overall the storyboard was really suck. Just bagi malu negeri sarawak. the way they wrote it as if sarawakian are cheap and stupid. If with your mind, i guess sarawakian especially the kuchingites will not develop till end of the day. yeah, late 80's movie in hong kong is not good. Hell, thats why the hong kies change their movie direction into stunts and action. that where chow yun fat, jackie chan, came in.....some more, the actors the used in the little red curse movie is over acting. They cant really act.Sorry to say this "KANA SAI". one of this actor are very snowbish in his college after he acting this movie. Is this kind of people we should support?i guess you yrself know the answer.haha Die before the war begin?huh....its really cool the term u using man..super damn cool. But do u yourself knew the definition?i guess r not...maybe u r the one who gave up the fight just before the game start...if u are a true sarawakian, u will not give up damn easily...among those local band, i guess the most impressive is SLAP. they know what they want. unlike other bands, they copycat other people music genre. SLAP have their own originality.at first i tought SLAP oso like those crab...copy cat and action in local...but after i watch the demo..not bad...this is real cool...an originality of a trademark by SARAWAKIAN.....SLAP, im proud with u...keep the good job up..but dont forget DONT COPY CAT WHT PLP DO. u know wht is the best for your self. yo, Randichai or wht so ever, if u read this, please, please, please go and ask around abt your so favourite movie by Bjarne wong. whether the local realy cna accept this kind of movie?then u know what im telling u is the oNLY TRUTH......THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE....go and look for it....... Adios
kuching entertaiment. hahaha ... really cool ...desperado1694 . wow...... finally i got my kawan here... can write long article... talk about b-jarne,he only have a vast of experience with stanley toh and bla bla nia mah... but not for stanley toh... so what he know is maybe simple thing only nia... but he doing directoring a movie in the 1st time in his life... so he might don't have so much of the experience in it loh... and the storyboard for me is really suck too, but how u know? ..... yaloh, because you go and see mah rite? so you also automaticly support ready,rite? yalah, i know you complain for the movie, but because you go and see, so you know 'how to complain', rite? and because you of what you have complain, so, sure the next movie he will try to do better... do you know? and yet we got to talk about again... ah!!!!! (headach) it is all about marketing and business ready, you know why i (headach), cos 'kong lui siong kam cheng'. aihhhh... no money here.... so still i will support local movie and any people support local, 'jiu suan' their product lauzy, but don't want too expensive till i can't effort lah.... maybe RM9 still in my budget and let me go for try to take a look loh, :> (asal i have my own job lah, and bos don't fired me, is ok lah...) about the west malaysia ha? while they are writing to us, just tell them: how is your movie? 'best' in the world ha? or just in KL? or just in PJ nia? or subang only? or 'koloteouw'(hakka) of malaysia only? if you din't do anything for local, 'tiam tiam tia jiu ho liao', understand(just joking)? but really for those who do something local, please cheers with what the local artist do. no matter how the 'guan zhong'(people who not involve local made) look, cheers with the person who same with you(people who doing the same: artist, director,singer,band and etc....) i agreed what dimension_jeff say, but tell me . For me, standard wasn't come out IF local people din't have come out with any movie. we only give a mark called 'standard' because what kuching ppl have see is completely all arround the world movie. so the movie is just started in kuching, oh yes.... one thing share agian, any one heard slap! 1st demo? really suck for me... u know why, because what they come out, that is very lauzzy noise, but still i give them support, u know why? cos i think that if i din't have support them, i scard no more band can do better then, that why i cheers, and support 'kao kao' for them, i know sound quality is 'laoya', but still i give them idea , not 'pui chao nuo' mah...rite? then what slap! 2nd demo do, ok lah... atleast sound more balance, and very nice song come out, 'li xiang','jiu suan le ba','ceng jin ru ci shi luo','xin gan qing yuan'......but standard or not? i think not enought standard. but i know they will do better, IF they still together lah... but i will support 'kao kao' also, not on this web lah... is in action. but i don't like so much their attitude, maybe don't know so much about them. not only slap! i support lah, all of the local thing lah, like dream achine, sim ru kang 'writer'... because of too many thing we can compare so let us can compare so much... then standard this word has came out. like car, proton saga/tiara good or proton wira good? like the oldest proton saga, not good rite? compare with latest wira rite? and how is the last time standard?(proton saga time)...and now, wira standard?maybe wira come out while the saga time that is better then others import car as well rite?,,, hahaha, it is all depends lah, 'yi nian zhi cha only' .... how about your opinion? (standard) ... about movie, not for outsider only, i also think that the scenery of the movie is impressive...hahaha, any where you are really cool, 'orang yang not simply just take around'.... hahaha.... ohya are you all webmaster? why seldom others people join this talk leh? 3 to 5 of us only nia? lets wake them up. and talk about kuching mah... hei for people who seeing this, say something lah!!! eh.... wrong ...not say, write something lah.... broken 'angmo' also 'beh an zuo one'. asal can communicate, that's fine. and actually we all are support local, just use the different way to support... i understand all of kuching people(localmade) support local entertainment, and this forum is let us share our own oppinion... but i don't mean to hurt any one, k? i will have more title to talk about, let share together.... and remember... tarik bayak sikit orang mah.... hihihi...
FROM desperado1694 at http://www.thelife.com.my/thelifeForum.php
his first movie?does this mean he can simply do?if like that i oso can produce a movie than gav a reason that it is my first time. so plp can accept andd forgive me?hahah. so funny. Do u really ever heard a term call "DOING A THING RIGHT AT THE FIRST TIME". If he use this in his life, sure he cna do better. but he only use "Tak apa, ma..first time ma.."thats where the problem came...u dundertsand that?if not u better go to the toilet, put yr head in the toilet bowl and flush it. Maybe it help plp who have a thinking like u to think more better and clearer.Its not wrong to support the local. Go Local.....everything support local first then the rest of the world..if u support local, u will not wear hip hop shirts or jean; u will not coloured your hair, u will not wear others foreign product..every thing is local from yr underwear right to the shit that u produce...all are local....its not wrong to support them..but if u really support them, y u should critized them?please answer this. proton not good?emm i wonder how many malaysian driving proton?its not abt the quality..now u r talking abt the government...is this mean u try to supporting our government ot try to manipulating the fact?u think and think again.......I SUPPORT LOCAL.....but I DONT SUPPORT BJARNE WONG..cos he cant do not worth to call TELEDRAMA.If he really have the capability, u can c it.but sad to say he IS NOT WORTH.....rubbish is always a rubbish no matter how u recyle them.......yeah...i watch the MOVIE.....not becos i support..i expect something that i never saw..hahaha....my comments on the movie: OH MY GOD....this what u call movie?movie my ass...... tell u all, student from inti college at nilai can produce more better than this. they really know how to make movie. I bet if that short movie going to screen, they will become instant millionaire. The story board are much much much much better than Bjarne Wong. perhaps he should learn from those student......I SUPPORT SLAP..but I DONT SUPPORT RANDIE.....he is suck oso like Bjarne wong...maybe u r his bor..thts y u keep on defending him..hahahaor u 2 are giggolo...sorry pal...i say waht it hink i should say.. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!!
about kuching airport i support what helgoh suggest this title out after entertainment, well. but to be stand on 'middle of good or bad'(zhong li jiao du) i would like to tell something different, contractor, designer/architector of the airport. for my opinion really 'copycat', but in the other people eye sight, maybe this is what 'xiang zheng' 'fa zhang zhong de city'. so some of the kuching people also think that this is the 'big country' punya style, so NEED to be like that loh... and kuching culture view really need to have the hornbill lah, to be a sign of kuching city. but, maybe the contractor haven't finished the job to put up the hornbill neh, or maybe will come out soon neh, or maybe they lupa to draw out the sign neh, ah... this ah... we don't know lah, belum habis belum tau mah, rite? maybe wait till after they said: oK, our job to this airport has finish. while still don't have any sign up on top, then maybe you can propose to airport and talk about the sign or hornbill, if still not approve, suggest to the tourism board: alo, dato-dato a... can you please change or add the sign of hornbill? because you yourself promote so much saying that kuching is a hornbill city... but what the tourist come and see: (yiiii, why the airport looks almost same with our country? only a bit small, but not much different. i thought we come to the jungle and we can directly take a look a view how the animal at here, like my friends told me that i can see directly the hornbill ONTOP of the airport but... or we have take a wrong plane, go...let check it out.) maybe this is question come out. so how the dato do? (we don't know, cos he got his own mind, like MAYBE: tidak boleh letak hornbill boh, sebab takut itu hornbill kena angin kencang, lepas tu akan jatuh kena orang, lepas tu kitak akan kena 'soo' dari negara itu...aeyiie...BAHAYA oh...), how we know? this is only contoh lah, k? not really like that lahl... about the (lost identity), i think??.... k... like that. kuching maybe will lost hornbill identity, but while in the time of losing hornbill identity, the other identity sure will replace, maybe lah, rite? maybe the 'cat' will more slightly welcome leh and take place, rite? maybe kuching goverment thought that: oh... hornbill sign is susah to promote, cos less people like 'bird', more people like cat, so just concentrate one animal 'CAT' , ok! promote only CAT, and tell citizen... every house must ' qi yiao'(hockian) to make a world record that only our city is fully 'cat's house', this is how the word 'kuching' come out, and become more welcome from other country people, then kuching will become more visitor come in because of the tourist datang memang mahu tengok apa hal sini punya orang suka 'qi yiao', so cute, so 'siaw' one ah? hahaha, maybe only, rite? (for me: imporsible lah, this is noncence talk only), who know this is the CM 'dream' leh. COPY CAT... got good and bad also, it has to depend to certain part of our own mind, or our lifestyle, our 'tiao jian' see whether suitable or not... if suitable... try to change to live like iban loh, live in long house, use the minyak api, use air sungai, rite? you want or not? sure not much people want, cos that will become like jail (yu shi ge jue), and no internet chating, no tv game, no snooker, no pub, no car, no KFC/pizza, in other way think this is good also, if you dare or like to fishing, jungle treking, be a tarzan life, more healthy, no ekzos, no noisy sound, no so much 'fan nao'... wow... that nice, rite? i want this life style.... but don't want too long lah, takut boring bah,,,3 month, oklah...so copy cat also depend what kind of cat, got boston cat, england cat, china beijing cat, kuching road side cat, see... so much kind rite? so what cat you want to copy, if you will born in cat...(i don't need the answer, so u fikir sendiri) turning back about the movie again, if the inti people can do better... good, that's very good,,, but where is their movie? ask them to do. ASK THEM TO DO! so! don't just simply complain, if you want to achieve it(make a movie), do it and let people see lah(this is what i waiting for)...... but sadly say, they haven't come out!!! even IF they have finish the movie, i will 100% support it, but where the movie? WHERE THE MOVIE?!!? so please don't ever comfirm that sure nice one lah the movie, because you never know how the movie quality will become, but still i will go and see...... 'jiu suan' their movie laoya, they will think how to make it better in next movie... rite???.....ai.... please see CLEARLY about my standing side, i'm not in any side. maybe you are the one 'anti BJARNE WONG', and i'm not his bro as well, maybe you have any 'guo jie' with him, but seperate talk in this, k? and think terbalik if you are the one come out with the movie 1st, i will 100% support as well, maybe that time, Mr. b-jarne will complain about your article agian...... (pusing punya bah,kan?) about wearing other country style like hip hop shirts or jean... i have said that (in about kuching airport) it has all depends on our lifestyle, it is not meaning 'correct' or 'wrong' ...... you and i also support local, but only using the different way only... and you no need to support me... because what i want to support is also what the one you support (local)......rite? i din't mean that what i write in here is what i want to get a respect from you all, so, bro... (be zhong li)....... life will become more wonderful... ps:i'm not b-jarne's bro .
for more information please refer : www.thelife.com.my (forum) topic talking about kuching city sxxt
talk about movie by bjarne. i think that local movie what the star cineplex had done is very good but not standard lah, for this moment. u know why i say so? because that is the 1ST movie that he had try, it might not so good in the 1st place that he din't have any experience or maybe they din't or scard to put more budget because of the market value is not worth. and i think we should give him more chances to try for the coming movie that he do. do you see the movie ready? i think you had seen it before rite? i watched it also, for me is not interest lah, but for the 1st view for visitor that come from other countury, maybe for them is interest... because the movie view has so many sarawak jungle view, it is nice... and just imagine that the artist in the movie is not from local, maybe you have other opinion ready nehhh... go and see the hong kong movie, is there 100% nice movie? NO!!! there also have some shit movie... boring one lah, rite? ... really for you ... just imagine and imagine the artist is chow jun fa, wahlau you must go and see one ... rite? you see 80'an hong kong movie? also very low quality... but why now they have become more perfect movie in asia? because they are also upgrading themself? why they can upgrading themself? because they have the opportunity to do so? why they have the opportunity to do so? because their environment and the goverment and the own hong kong peopple to support it... while they are in 80'an, even now, some of the hong kong people also thought their movie very no class, but compare only with hollywood lah... so WE to be a malaysian, kuching people, the 1st thing we have to think all about is ourself, we have to win our own 1st, so kuching-bjarne might win in this situation,
FROM desperado1694 at http://www.thelife.com.my/thelifeForum.php helo....wake up pls.........r u in a dreaming world?we are not talking abt establsihing or upgrade ourself. u say Bjarne wong don have the Experience?oh please....go and look for the Borneo Post Exclusive interview with him...u know wht he say? "I have a vast of experience working with stanley toh, bla, bla, bla....."and using this kind of shitty experience, u make a really "NICE" movie? of cos i did watch the movie. Its not a prb for me...but is tht money u paying is worth for the movie?i say NO........i even read the commenct on latest movie in the website. Its a people from west malaysia wrote that Bjarne just try to make a jokes out of him self. there say, no doubt the scenery of the movie is impressive but overall the storyboard was really suck. Just bagi malu negeri sarawak. the way they wrote it as if sarawakian are cheap and stupid. If with your mind, i guess sarawakian especially the kuchingites will not develop till end of the day. yeah, late 80's movie in hong kong is not good. Hell, thats why the hong kies change their movie direction into stunts and action. that where chow yun fat, jackie chan, came in.....some more, the actors the used in the little red curse movie is over acting. They cant really act.Sorry to say this "KANA SAI". one of this actor are very snowbish in his college after he acting this movie. Is this kind of people we should support?i guess you yrself know the answer.haha Die before the war begin?huh....its really cool the term u using man..super damn cool. But do u yourself knew the definition?i guess r not...maybe u r the one who gave up the fight just before the game start...if u are a true sarawakian, u will not give up damn easily...among those local band, i guess the most impressive is SLAP. they know what they want. unlike other bands, they copycat other people music genre. SLAP have their own originality.at first i tought SLAP oso like those crab...copy cat and action in local...but after i watch the demo..not bad...this is real cool...an originality of a trademark by SARAWAKIAN.....SLAP, im proud with u...keep the good job up..but dont forget DONT COPY CAT WHT PLP DO. u know wht is the best for your self. yo, Randichai or wht so ever, if u read this, please, please, please go and ask around abt your so favourite movie by Bjarne wong. whether the local realy cna accept this kind of movie?then u know what im telling u is the oNLY TRUTH......THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE....go and look for it....... Adios
kuching entertaiment. hahaha ... really cool ...desperado1694 . wow...... finally i got my kawan here... can write long article... talk about b-jarne,he only have a vast of experience
FROM desperado1694 at http://www.thelife.com.my/thelifeForum.php
his first movie?does this mean he can simply do?if like that i oso can produce a movie than gav a reason that it is my first time. so plp can accept andd forgive me?hahah. so funny. Do u really ever heard a term call "DOING A THING RIGHT AT THE FIRST TIME". If he use this in his life, sure he cna do better. but he only use "Tak apa, ma..first time ma.."thats where the problem came...u dundertsand that?if not u better go to the toilet, put yr head in the toilet bowl and flush it. Maybe it help plp who have a thinking like u to think more better and clearer.Its not wrong to support the local. Go Local.....everything support local first then the rest of the world..if u support local, u will not wear hip hop shirts or jean; u will not coloured your hair, u will not wear others foreign product..every thing is local from yr underwear right to the shit that u produce...all are local....its not wrong to support them..but if u really support them, y u should critized them?please answer this. proton not good?emm i wonder how many malaysian driving proton?its not abt the quality..now u r talking abt the government...is this mean u try to supporting our government ot try to manipulating the fact?u think and think again.......I SUPPORT LOCAL.....but I DONT SUPPORT BJARNE WONG..cos he cant do not worth to call TELEDRAMA.If he really have the capability, u can c it.but sad to say he IS NOT WORTH.....rubbish is always a rubbish no matter how u recyle them.......yeah...i watch the MOVIE.....not becos i support..i expect something that i never saw..hahaha....my comments on the movie: OH MY GOD....this what u call movie?movie my ass...... tell u all, student from inti college at nilai can produce more better than this. they really know how to make movie. I bet if that short movie going to screen, they will become instant millionaire. The story board are much much much much better than Bjarne Wong. perhaps he should learn from those student......I SUPPORT SLAP..but I DONT SUPPORT RANDIE.....he is suck oso like Bjarne wong...maybe u r his bor..thts y u keep on defending him..hahahaor u 2 are giggolo...sorry pal...i say waht it hink i should say.. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!!
about kuching airport i support what helgoh suggest this title out after entertainment, well. but to be stand on 'middle of good or bad'(zhong li jiao du) i would like to tell something different, contractor, designer/architector of the airport. for my opinion really 'copycat', but in the other people eye sight, maybe this is what 'xiang zheng' 'fa zhang zhong de city'. so some of the kuching people also think that this is the 'big country' punya style, so NEED to be like that loh... and kuching culture view really need to have the hornbill lah, to be a sign of kuching city. but, maybe the contractor haven't finished the job to put up the hornbill neh, or maybe will come out soon neh, or maybe they lupa to draw out the sign neh, ah... this ah... we don't know lah, belum habis belum tau mah, rite? maybe wait till after they said: oK, our job to this airport has finish. while still don't have any sign up on top, then maybe you can propose to airport and talk about the sign or hornbill, if still not approve, suggest to the tourism board: alo, dato-dato a... can you please change or add the sign of hornbill? because you yourself promote so much saying that kuching is a hornbill city... but what the tourist come and see: (yiiii, why the airport looks almost same with our country? only a bit small, but not much different. i thought we come to the jungle and we can directly take a look a view how the animal at here, like my friends told me that i can see directly the hornbill ONTOP of the airport but... or we have take a wrong plane, go...let check it out.) maybe this is question come out. so how the dato do? (we don't know, cos he got his own mind, like MAYBE: tidak boleh letak hornbill boh, sebab takut itu hornbill kena angin kencang, lepas tu akan jatuh kena orang, lepas tu kitak akan kena 'soo' dari negara itu...aeyiie...BAHAYA oh...), how we know? this is only contoh lah, k? not really like that lahl... about the (lost identity), i think??.... k... like that. kuching maybe will lost hornbill identity, but while in the time of losing hornbill identity, the other identity sure will replace, maybe lah, rite? maybe the 'cat' will more slightly welcome leh and take place, rite? maybe kuching goverment thought that: oh... hornbill sign is susah to promote, cos less people like 'bird', more people like cat, so just concentrate one animal 'CAT' , ok! promote only CAT, and tell citizen... every house must ' qi yiao'(hockian) to make a world record that only our city is fully 'cat's house', this is how the word 'kuching' come out, and become more welcome from other country people, then kuching will become more visitor come in because of the tourist datang memang mahu tengok apa hal sini punya orang suka 'qi yiao', so cute, so 'siaw' one ah? hahaha, maybe only, rite? (for me: imporsible lah, this is noncence talk only), who know this is the CM 'dream' leh. COPY CAT... got good and bad also, it has to depend to certain part of our own mind, or our lifestyle, our 'tiao jian' see whether suitable or not... if suitable... try to change to live like iban loh, live in long house, use the minyak api, use air sungai, rite? you want or not? sure not much people want, cos that will become like jail (yu shi ge jue), and no internet chating, no tv game, no snooker, no pub, no car, no KFC/pizza, in other way think this is good also, if you dare or like to fishing, jungle treking, be a tarzan life, more healthy, no ekzos, no noisy sound, no so much 'fan nao'... wow... that nice, rite? i want this life style.... but don't want too long lah, takut boring bah,,,3 month, oklah...so copy cat also depend what kind of cat, got boston cat, england cat, china beijing cat, kuching road side cat, see... so much kind rite? so what cat you want to copy, if you will born in cat...(i don't need the answer, so u fikir sendiri) turning back about the movie again, if the inti people can do better... good, that's very good,,, but where is their movie? ask them to do. ASK THEM TO DO! so! don't just simply complain, if you want to achieve it(make a movie), do it and let people see lah(this is what i waiting for)...... but sadly say, they haven't come out!!! even IF they have finish the movie, i will 100% support it, but where the movie? WHERE THE MOVIE?!!? so please don't ever comfirm that sure nice one lah the movie, because you never know how the movie quality will become, but still i will go and see...... 'jiu suan' their movie laoya, they will think how to make it better in next movie... rite???.....ai.... please see CLEARLY about my standing side, i'm not in any side. maybe you are the one 'anti BJARNE WONG', and i'm not his bro as well, maybe you have any 'guo jie' with him, but seperate talk in this, k? and think terbalik if you are the one come out with the movie 1st, i will 100% support as well, maybe that time, Mr. b-jarne will complain about your article agian...... (pusing punya bah,kan?) about wearing other country style like hip hop shirts or jean... i have said that (in about kuching airport) it has all depends on our lifestyle, it is not meaning 'correct' or 'wrong' ...... you and i also support local, but only using the different way only... and you no need to support me... because what i want to support is also what the one you support (local)......rite? i din't mean that what i write in here is what i want to get a respect from you all, so, bro... (be zhong li)....... life will become more wonderful... ps:i'm not b-jarne's bro .
for more information please refer : www.thelife.com.my (forum) topic talking about kuching city sxxt
tauke! give me more $$$$$$$$.
rambo :
talk about salary? sure link with boss agian...i want money, bos. sure this word has come in the people who 'pa kang'. i also 'pa kang group'. any bos at this site? bos! bos! bos! please look at this article, then you know how hard to be your SLAVE...... 'ko lian wa lah, tauke, wa ai lui'. to be a slave in a company really susah. 'bukan kerja mati, memang kena marah mati', dunia yang muslihat... share a story. person A: bos, can i advance or not a? BOS: why? A: i.... BOS cakap laju: u tau ka? semasa ini memang tidak cukup business leh, mana ad duit pinjam leh? A: i know.... BOS lagi laju: ok. bagus, jika tahu, tolong saya, make more sales lah... so that i can give you more 'commisen'... k? then bos quickly go. this is bos act.but think terbalik again. some time ah, kuching business memang slow, this is what we know, rite? canot 'kuai' bos also lah... our salary so 'big', how he want to 'search' money to pay us leh... because of our sales again.... pusing punya bah... we help bos make money, after that he pay supplier, rental, water, electric, expense, then pay you loh...rite? if after pay out all the money, then not enaught to pay you leh? what you going to do? hahaha... oh yes..... i'm not stand on any side, bos good or not? i don't care. i just think 'got good and not good'. how about you if you is bos? or you is a slave? hahaha...... now market become very low, and not just low only, is lower and lower... how you think? i'm randi. (tauke, wa ai lui. u lui ho jio boh...)
darelled :
People are getting desperate of being rich nowadays. At one time or another, we are all faced with a crisis wherein we have to come up with cash quickly. Depending on how desperate for cash you may find yourself, the list below explores a few ways to raise money in a short amount of time. Taking into consideration that there is no savings, here are a few more ideas to consider before starving or turning to a life of crime... 1. Sell your stuff. Look through everything you own and find things you no longer use but are still in good condition. Once you have all the items together, you can have a garage sale, if weather permits. Or, you may be able to sell certain items such as baby clothes to a second hand store, if the clothes are in good condition. Consider consigning some of your own clothes to a consignment store, but keep in mind that it can take from 60 to 90 days to get some cash in. You could also sell your stuff online such as Ebay, but again, it may take several days to get paid. 2. Try a pawnshop. Previously relegated to back alleys and sleazy neighborhoods, the pawnshop is now considered a viable place to raise some quick cash. There is a pawn shop in West Los Angeles where some Beverly Hills residents drive up in their Mercedes or BMWs to pawn off fancy items for cash. One of the secretaries where I work regularly visits a pawn shop to raise some quick cash, or to even purchase gifts such as electronics and jewelry. Everyone has jewelry or electronic equipment around the house that can be used to raise cash. The pawn shop operator appraises the item, and will loan a percentage of its value while giving the borrower a month or two to pay it back and get the item back. If you do not go back to pay off the loan, then you forfeit the item. But if you were not using the item anyway, then losing it would not be too painful. 3. Borrow money from a relative or friend. The discomfort of borrowing money from a relative or friend can be eased by putting everything in writing. The best way to do it is by offering to pay interest on the cash, such as 5%. This rate is better than what they would get from a regular savings account at a bank, yet not as high as a credit card. This way, the loaner feels that he or she is getting something out of it while doing you a favor. Outline the terms of the loan in the loan agreement, have both parties sign in front of a Notary. By all means, pay the loan back as soon as you can or risk losing your relationship. 4. Think about all the money you may have left as a deposit. Many utility companies require an initial deposit when you first set up an account, especially you have bad credit or no credit history. In any event, this money is yours after 12 months and you should call your utility company to reclaim the money. Although it's supposed to be automatically returned, the companies usually take a long time or possibly neglect to send it all together. I got $120 back a few years ago year after nagging the water utility company. 5. Take in a room mate or move in with your parents. Rent is one of your biggest expenses--why not share it with someone if you have the room. Or if you are truly desperate, move in with your parents or sibling for a few months until you get back on your feet. I realize this is one of the most difficult suggestions, but it is certainly doable if you really need the money. Of course if you are moving in with someone you must be considerate and pitch in for chores etc, but that is a whole different subject. 6. Check your whole house for forgotten money. Check through your couch and you will find a lot of change. Go one step further and check through pockets of all your jackets, old purses and even old bags you have in your garage or attic. When I cleaned out my whole garage, I found a large stash of change I left in a bag with some photos--don't ask me how or why is got there, I truly don't remember! I also found $5 in the pocket of a jacket I no longer use. Every little bit helps! 7. Get a second or third job. While considering this, do not be too picky over the type of job--any honest work should be considered, whether it's flipping burgers, delivering pizza or sweeping floors. The point is, this is a short term solution until you get "back on your feet." 8. Borrow from your 401k. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to borrow from your employer's 401k. This is a better option than cashing it out outright because of the tax implications. When you cash out, the plan administrator holds 20% off the total for taxes. At tax time, you may have to pay additional taxes on the money you received. However, borrowing some of the money does not carry the same penalties. 9. Raise the number of dependents on your paycheck. This is not the best option, but if you need cash quickly, you can increase your dependents and decrease the taxes withheld from your paycheck, giving you a higher net paycheck. However, keep in mind that you will have to "pay the piper" at tax time which means that you will end up owing the taxes you hadn't paid monthly. Thus, you may feel like you are paying a lot of money all at once or miss your usual tax refund. I am not a tax accountant, so before you try this, call your tax accountant or tax preparer if you have one. I did try this one year, and sure enough, I ended up paying the taxes I owed at tax time, and my tax preparer strongly advised me to lower the dependents back to one or two at the most. 10. Sell a skill you already have. Think about your skills and how you can use them to provide a service to raise cash. Most people have more skills than they realize. Do you like children and don't mind babysitting? Many families in your neighborhood may need a short-term babysitter on weekends or after-hours when their regular sitter is off, or if the parents want to go to the gym. The going rate in our area ranges from $8-$15 per hour. Do you have computer skills you can use to train people to use Word, Excel or even the Internet? Try marketing these skills and who knows, you may end up establishing a profitable side business.
jo_distot :
wao...mayb i shud really try the pawn shop sometimes.... finding some cash in old clothes..haha....sometimes i found them in the clothes i wear everyday! forgetten cash in pockets, then washed them, then dried, then wear it some days after, n found tat actually there's some cash in the pockets! still in one piece!
darelled :
You're too imaginative. Hahaha...
rambo :
又是一个月的过去...新水要等到5/6号才拿到. 老板我要钱! 能的话起我新水...如果给我一张用不完的全能卡更好了...做自己刷刷刷而已.. 哎唷... 几爽吖...新水只够用, 我还很年轻,青春就这样浪费了. 我要屋子,钱,车,女人,卡,等等...今天大日子想去朋友的家,又很远, 因为架车要打油,没钱.所以在这里写些无聊的东西.只想分享说.我没钱.请问你们要捐钱给我吗? 我会帮你们投资的,相信我.....我的银行帐号是:112-1124-5612 maybank. 家里有两大三小要照顾,如你们有帮我,我会感激不尽.谢谢. 这个让我想起那个台湾还是中国的小童, 有人冒用他们的名义去筹钱,说是要医治那个被火烧伤的孩童...这种人真的是很缺德... 可我就不是这种人, 我没钱也不会冒用他人名义的... 我没被活烧伤,我只是穷... 所以工作,但工作新水不够支付家人的开销,神啊!救救我吧!我已经广泛宣传了, 如果某某女性有任何需要,都可以随时来信, 进帐后,要我怎么报答或做'什么'都可以....但只限女性. 如是男性只可进帐,没其它了.如有兴趣,欢迎来信, 谢谢.
for more information please search : http://www.thelife.com.my
talk about salary? sure link with boss agian...i want money, bos. sure this word has come in the people who 'pa kang'. i also 'pa kang group'. any bos at this site? bos! bos! bos! please look at this article, then you know how hard to be your SLAVE...... 'ko lian wa lah, tauke, wa ai lui'. to be a slave in a company really susah. 'bukan kerja mati, memang kena marah mati', dunia yang muslihat... share a story. person A: bos, can i advance or not a? BOS: why? A: i.... BOS cakap laju: u tau ka? semasa ini memang tidak cukup business leh, mana ad duit pinjam leh? A: i know.... BOS lagi laju: ok. bagus, jika tahu, tolong saya, make more sales lah... so that i can give you more 'commisen'... k? then bos quickly go. this is bos act.but think terbalik again. some time ah, kuching business memang slow, this is what we know, rite? canot 'kuai' bos also lah... our salary so 'big', how he want to 'search' money to pay us leh... because of our sales again.... pusing punya bah... we help bos make money, after that he pay supplier, rental, water, electric, expense, then pay you loh...rite? if after pay out all the money, then not enaught to pay you leh? what you going to do? hahaha... oh yes..... i'm not stand on any side, bos good or not? i don't care. i just think 'got good and not good'. how about you if you is bos? or you is a slave? hahaha...... now market become very low, and not just low only, is lower and lower... how you think? i'm randi. (tauke, wa ai lui. u lui ho jio boh...)
darelled :
People are getting desperate of being rich nowadays. At one time or another, we are all faced with a crisis wherein we have to come up with cash quickly. Depending on how desperate for cash you may find yourself, the list below explores a few ways to raise money in a short amount of time. Taking into consideration that there is no savings, here are a few more ideas to consider before starving or turning to a life of crime... 1. Sell your stuff. Look through everything you own and find things you no longer use but are still in good condition. Once you have all the items together, you can have a garage sale, if weather permits. Or, you may be able to sell certain items such as baby clothes to a second hand store, if the clothes are in good condition. Consider consigning some of your own clothes to a consignment store, but keep in mind that it can take from 60 to 90 days to get some cash in. You could also sell your stuff online such as Ebay, but again, it may take several days to get paid. 2. Try a pawnshop. Previously relegated to back alleys and sleazy neighborhoods, the pawnshop is now considered a viable place to raise some quick cash. There is a pawn shop in West Los Angeles where some Beverly Hills residents drive up in their Mercedes or BMWs to pawn off fancy items for cash. One of the secretaries where I work regularly visits a pawn shop to raise some quick cash, or to even purchase gifts such as electronics and jewelry. Everyone has jewelry or electronic equipment around the house that can be used to raise cash. The pawn shop operator appraises the item, and will loan a percentage of its value while giving the borrower a month or two to pay it back and get the item back. If you do not go back to pay off the loan, then you forfeit the item. But if you were not using the item anyway, then losing it would not be too painful. 3. Borrow money from a relative or friend. The discomfort of borrowing money from a relative or friend can be eased by putting everything in writing. The best way to do it is by offering to pay interest on the cash, such as 5%. This rate is better than what they would get from a regular savings account at a bank, yet not as high as a credit card. This way, the loaner feels that he or she is getting something out of it while doing you a favor. Outline the terms of the loan in the loan agreement, have both parties sign in front of a Notary. By all means, pay the loan back as soon as you can or risk losing your relationship. 4. Think about all the money you may have left as a deposit. Many utility companies require an initial deposit when you first set up an account, especially you have bad credit or no credit history. In any event, this money is yours after 12 months and you should call your utility company to reclaim the money. Although it's supposed to be automatically returned, the companies usually take a long time or possibly neglect to send it all together. I got $120 back a few years ago year after nagging the water utility company. 5. Take in a room mate or move in with your parents. Rent is one of your biggest expenses--why not share it with someone if you have the room. Or if you are truly desperate, move in with your parents or sibling for a few months until you get back on your feet. I realize this is one of the most difficult suggestions, but it is certainly doable if you really need the money. Of course if you are moving in with someone you must be considerate and pitch in for chores etc, but that is a whole different subject. 6. Check your whole house for forgotten money. Check through your couch and you will find a lot of change. Go one step further and check through pockets of all your jackets, old purses and even old bags you have in your garage or attic. When I cleaned out my whole garage, I found a large stash of change I left in a bag with some photos--don't ask me how or why is got there, I truly don't remember! I also found $5 in the pocket of a jacket I no longer use. Every little bit helps! 7. Get a second or third job. While considering this, do not be too picky over the type of job--any honest work should be considered, whether it's flipping burgers, delivering pizza or sweeping floors. The point is, this is a short term solution until you get "back on your feet." 8. Borrow from your 401k. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to borrow from your employer's 401k. This is a better option than cashing it out outright because of the tax implications. When you cash out, the plan administrator holds 20% off the total for taxes. At tax time, you may have to pay additional taxes on the money you received. However, borrowing some of the money does not carry the same penalties. 9. Raise the number of dependents on your paycheck. This is not the best option, but if you need cash quickly, you can increase your dependents and decrease the taxes withheld from your paycheck, giving you a higher net paycheck. However, keep in mind that you will have to "pay the piper" at tax time which means that you will end up owing the taxes you hadn't paid monthly. Thus, you may feel like you are paying a lot of money all at once or miss your usual tax refund. I am not a tax accountant, so before you try this, call your tax accountant or tax preparer if you have one. I did try this one year, and sure enough, I ended up paying the taxes I owed at tax time, and my tax preparer strongly advised me to lower the dependents back to one or two at the most. 10. Sell a skill you already have. Think about your skills and how you can use them to provide a service to raise cash. Most people have more skills than they realize. Do you like children and don't mind babysitting? Many families in your neighborhood may need a short-term babysitter on weekends or after-hours when their regular sitter is off, or if the parents want to go to the gym. The going rate in our area ranges from $8-$15 per hour. Do you have computer skills you can use to train people to use Word, Excel or even the Internet? Try marketing these skills and who knows, you may end up establishing a profitable side business.
jo_distot :
wao...mayb i shud really try the pawn shop sometimes.... finding some cash in old clothes..haha....sometimes i found them in the clothes i wear everyday! forgetten cash in pockets, then washed them, then dried, then wear it some days after, n found tat actually there's some cash in the pockets! still in one piece!
darelled :
You're too imaginative. Hahaha...
rambo :
又是一个月的过去...新水要等到5/6号才拿到. 老板我要钱! 能的话起我新水...如果给我一张用不完的全能卡更好了...做自己刷刷刷而已.. 哎唷... 几爽吖...新水只够用, 我还很年轻,青春就这样浪费了. 我要屋子,钱,车,女人,卡,等等...今天大日子想去朋友的家,又很远, 因为架车要打油,没钱.所以在这里写些无聊的东西.只想分享说.我没钱.请问你们要捐钱给我吗? 我会帮你们投资的,相信我.....我的银行帐号是:112-1124-5612 maybank. 家里有两大三小要照顾,如你们有帮我,我会感激不尽.谢谢. 这个让我想起那个台湾还是中国的小童, 有人冒用他们的名义去筹钱,说是要医治那个被火烧伤的孩童...这种人真的是很缺德... 可我就不是这种人, 我没钱也不会冒用他人名义的... 我没被活烧伤,我只是穷... 所以工作,但工作新水不够支付家人的开销,神啊!救救我吧!我已经广泛宣传了, 如果某某女性有任何需要,都可以随时来信, 进帐后,要我怎么报答或做'什么'都可以....但只限女性. 如是男性只可进帐,没其它了.如有兴趣,欢迎来信, 谢谢.
for more information please search : http://www.thelife.com.my
talking about kuching city entertainment xxxx
talking about kuching entertaiment REALLY Suck! you know why? because no one bulletin want to expose the kuching life. u know why ? because no reader want to talk about kuching life . u know why? beause kuching din't have any excitement. u know why? because no one can do thing excite them(the reader). u know why? because what the reader want to see is really funny thing. u know why? because only the funny thing can excite them. u know why? because the reader always thought moon at other country is bigger then malaysia (oh... if like that eh, the moon at indonesia might bigger then malaysia loh, rite?) this is what local people talk about their own country. u know why? because they are boring to see a person or an artist that they have always seen in local,(if one day jay chow is live at kuching and you are facing to him every day) what is your thinking ::::: you must thought - (mah c jit leh lang nia, mah c e pang sai) hockian... rite? yah, i know some of a bit of and not much of the people would say: kuching entertainment or product can not survive one lah, forget your dream lah, u are dreaming lah, face to the market lah, u will find how hard it is, and imporsible you can do one lah, u siao one lah.... let me tell you : no dreaming no airplane, no dreaming no lighting, no dreaming no handphone, no dreaming no car, no dreaming no ship, no dreaming no local band (slap! & dream machine), no dreaming no singer, no dreaming no internet, no dreaming no thelife.com.my , rite? webmaster (are you seeing this)? so all the thing that has made out is all start from DREAMING... you can make it if you think you can make it, but remember ONE, not just simply dreaming, you also need to lead your brand, your head, your heart, your hand, your leg, your money, your environment to achive your goals or dreaming, k? and think! WHERE YOU ARE LIVING...... IS >>> KUCHING! REMEMBER ! SO! kuching people ah.... please, please support local entertainment, support local product, support local music, support local business, support local dance club, support local pub, support local food, support local website : thelife.com.my .... we must work together, u know why kuching? because once the dreaming has achieve, we will automaticlly SHARE with each other, and a single human can't live without a group of human. and last, we will feel more proud then the other country IF we work together. kuching peolple don't simply talk talk talk only. DO IT! FINISHEd!
i'm not hot, so how to cool down, we just sharing...... i know a few of artsist in sarawak, like ling yu chong, zhang dong liang, chai ai chen. But they are not expose from malaysia/kuching people here. it is explore by Taiwan people... and you think ...think...just think... if they are start at kuching/ malaysia, are they become the singer in your eyes? think and think again.... how about local singer like lenny chow, johnson, wilson, micheal tay, boon si ting, liu wei pin, a jun, liu shi feng, allan chai, band like slap!, dream machine, evenstarr, funny rabbit, 'si ju feng', writer like sim ru kang, film director like bjarn wong, and so much more, are you support them, just like slap!, dream machine, sim ru kang, evenstarr has come out their product ready, are you buy their thing to support them? i understand no one is perfect, maybe you can't find their product, because they are doing very low bugget in marketing, but atleast give them a support, go and see their show while the news come out on newspaper, or on the net.... oh ya tell you, i'm not anti of other country, i just want to support local industry nia. are you the one support? thank you for sharing ...
i'm not hot, so how to cool down, we just sharing...... i know a few of artsist in sarawak, like ling yu chong, zhang dong liang, chai ai chen. But they are not expose from malaysia/kuching people here. it is explore by Taiwan people... and you think ...think...just think... if they are start at kuching/ malaysia, are they become the singer in your eyes? think and think again.... how about local singer like lenny chow, johnson, wilson, micheal tay, boon si ting, liu wei pin, a jun, liu shi feng, allan chai, band like slap!, dream machine, evenstarr, funny rabbit, 'si ju feng', writer like sim ru kang, film director like bjarn wong, and so much more, are you support them, just like slap!, dream machine, sim ru kang, evenstarr has come out their product ready, are you buy their thing to support them? i understand no one is perfect, maybe you can't find their product, because they are doing very low bugget in marketing, but atleast give them a support, go and see their show while the news come out on newspaper, or on the net.... oh ya tell you, i'm not anti of other country, i just want to support local industry nia. are you the one support? thank you for sharing ...
a christian
this is my religion. this is the power to make me able to stand in this earth/universe. without this i can't even have my life, without this i even don't know where my feeling come from... god, u are my sample, u are my desire, you are my life, you are my everything in this world, thank you for giving a chance to be at here...... i will follow you untill the day u pick me up. a-men
meaning of competition - karaoke
rambo :
about karaoke competition, any body have any idea? i got so many. but i'm not talking kuching karaoke competition is not good. i on the site in good side, understand? so k-oke is a very good entertaiment as well. but it has been (luan yong) from some of the people. tell me what the meaning for the competition, and i'm not talking a (show), is competition. oh ya, i can't wait for your answer. so i just write what i want to write. actually a COMPETITION is a game and is a fight game, but fight on mouth lah, not by hand. competition important for singer or not? answer is YES!(if he/she think important). but it is not important for me, let me tell you why .i think competition is not important. any of the competition is a game only. what you want to challenge is not the competitors, so who you compete with? answer: IS YOURSELF? once you have in the competition, on stage, on the 100m running road, in water, on boat, or anything that your challenge. you have win half of yourself ready, if you finished the game but not in winning position, actually you has win the full game ready. so k-oke is same for me, how about you (singers/challengers)? are you feel the same? i think yeslah ho? actually i have so much to talk with, but because of my time limit is very sharp, (want to achive my dream)so, very sorry. post what you want to share, not share with me only, share with any one.... that see in here.
dimension_jeff :
I used to support karaoke competition few years ago..when i was 18 i thk..oh garshh,omos 10 years already at tht time,i'm not really wan to support local,but its a gurl tht attract my attention,she made me support her everytime..no matter how much the ticket cost n no matter whr she perform. My impression on local singing contest is - It is No Doubt that our local singer,some of them r really gud n talented! At that time 'MR.I' that had launced his single last year (or last 2 years) still a no name kid (even now still no name,hehe) so many 'little local star' were born,if u went those contests u'll know it. However,those so called 'future star' were not bright enuf...aft 'playing' a while in contests,they slowly disappear from our eyesight. I met some of them recently, one of them selling insurance, some of them become salesman bla bla bla.. I wondering,wat happened to their DREAM? whr hav their interest n ethusiasm of singing gone to..? & It keep rolling in my mind.. WAT IS OUR LOCAL COMPETITION (KARAOKE wat so ever) FOR..?
jeehong :
i just know that Kuching have the most Karaokay competition compare to other places...eveytime u will see some karaoke competitionsin the newspaper...this is a weird scenery compare to west m'sia. One more thing, most of the champions from the competition towards the end, will become a singer in the wedding dinner and get Ang Pao for their singing...
rambo :
oh....local k-oke gurl? which one? i know a few as well... for guy, like wilson & john that go to KL in this moment. so u know MR.I also... i thought still less people know his name, sayang he can't get famous till now, but still i can feel what his feeling that can't get famous loh......... and about the future star ,why they(singer) become disappear... i think that is because their family? boy or girl friend? money? different dreaming (just a simple hobby only)? don't have any single 'sing tan' has watch their performance? or 'sing tan' eye 'pa chiaw' can not see clearly? hahahaha.... not only this lah, still have many 'jie kou' want lah... maybe they got children ready leh? or maybe they want to efford family expense like rental, or buy house or other? or because of his or her friend tell that singging can not earn money want, so he might change his mind to do others business that can easily 'tang lui' want loh, then change their singing as hobby only liao loh, if they still like to perform more, they will make it as part time like jeehong say loh, be a wedding dinner guest take 'angpao' to earn a part time wages mah,,,, ai... so... what to do? for me, what i think for the singing competition purpose, beside want to let out the prizes, 'tang lui', or find a really good singer. the sponsored may do a demo or an album to promote or sell out... i think this is the efficient way to explore local singer. how you people think?
for more information : http://www.thelife.com.my/thelifeForum.php search article in (entertainment)
about karaoke competition, any body have any idea? i got so many. but i'm not talking kuching karaoke competition is not good. i on the site in good side, understand? so k-oke is a very good entertaiment as well. but it has been (luan yong) from some of the people. tell me what the meaning for the competition, and i'm not talking a (show), is competition. oh ya, i can't wait for your answer. so i just write what i want to write. actually a COMPETITION is a game and is a fight game, but fight on mouth lah, not by hand. competition important for singer or not? answer is YES!(if he/she think important). but it is not important for me, let me tell you why .i think competition is not important. any of the competition is a game only. what you want to challenge is not the competitors, so who you compete with? answer: IS YOURSELF? once you have in the competition, on stage, on the 100m running road, in water, on boat, or anything that your challenge. you have win half of yourself ready, if you finished the game but not in winning position, actually you has win the full game ready. so k-oke is same for me, how about you (singers/challengers)? are you feel the same? i think yeslah ho? actually i have so much to talk with, but because of my time limit is very sharp, (want to achive my dream)so, very sorry. post what you want to share, not share with me only, share with any one.... that see in here.
dimension_jeff :
I used to support karaoke competition few years ago..when i was 18 i thk..oh garshh,omos 10 years already at tht time,i'm not really wan to support local,but its a gurl tht attract my attention,she made me support her everytime..no matter how much the ticket cost n no matter whr she perform. My impression on local singing contest is - It is No Doubt that our local singer,some of them r really gud n talented! At that time 'MR.I' that had launced his single last year (or last 2 years) still a no name kid (even now still no name,hehe) so many 'little local star' were born,if u went those contests u'll know it. However,those so called 'future star' were not bright enuf...aft 'playing' a while in contests,they slowly disappear from our eyesight. I met some of them recently, one of them selling insurance, some of them become salesman bla bla bla.. I wondering,wat happened to their DREAM? whr hav their interest n ethusiasm of singing gone to..? & It keep rolling in my mind.. WAT IS OUR LOCAL COMPETITION (KARAOKE wat so ever) FOR..?
jeehong :
i just know that Kuching have the most Karaokay competition compare to other places...eveytime u will see some karaoke competitionsin the newspaper...this is a weird scenery compare to west m'sia. One more thing, most of the champions from the competition towards the end, will become a singer in the wedding dinner and get Ang Pao for their singing...
rambo :
oh....local k-oke gurl? which one? i know a few as well... for guy, like wilson & john that go to KL in this moment. so u know MR.I also... i thought still less people know his name, sayang he can't get famous till now, but still i can feel what his feeling that can't get famous loh......... and about the future star ,why they(singer) become disappear... i think that is because their family? boy or girl friend? money? different dreaming (just a simple hobby only)? don't have any single 'sing tan' has watch their performance? or 'sing tan' eye 'pa chiaw' can not see clearly? hahahaha.... not only this lah, still have many 'jie kou' want lah... maybe they got children ready leh? or maybe they want to efford family expense like rental, or buy house or other? or because of his or her friend tell that singging can not earn money want, so he might change his mind to do others business that can easily 'tang lui' want loh, then change their singing as hobby only liao loh, if they still like to perform more, they will make it as part time like jeehong say loh, be a wedding dinner guest take 'angpao' to earn a part time wages mah,,,, ai... so... what to do? for me, what i think for the singing competition purpose, beside want to let out the prizes, 'tang lui', or find a really good singer. the sponsored may do a demo or an album to promote or sell out... i think this is the efficient way to explore local singer. how you people think?
for more information : http://www.thelife.com.my/thelifeForum.php search article in (entertainment)
昨天在古晋的一家酒楼里,听了一位长辈说了这翻话,不得让我佩服这话的含意. 让我深感生存的道理.我花了大约2-3分钟,方才了解这话. 听了他很多的言论,不得不让我敬佩这位长辈,与他交谈, 真的需要谨慎.不然的话,他就会继续他的言论自由,为了就是揭开你的谜呀......大约花了2-3小时,听他讲道理...老人家,就是老人家... 我也不是责备或生气, 我也是非常喜欢这些道理,只是如果换着是其他不喜欢听的,也许就会真的触怒了他的一片好言相助了.所以,如果你不喜欢听, 也许你可以向他提出: (uncle,可以吃了...请请...)如果菜还没来,也许你可以说:(uncle,对不起.我上一下厕所...soli)
记住,一定要笑下...这是非常重要的. <人笑多点,命会长一点的> (信不信由你定)
当我思考这句话的时候, 也突然让我联想到了这些...
人若缺乏<生气>,那么这个人就不是< 人 >.
以上的<人若>是自己编的,如果有何误解或错的话,请多多指教. 这些话,对我真的好好用,能够让我自己激发自己的信心...听了他的一遍道理,也许胜过读一年的书了… 谢谢了uncle. 我也忘了他的大名了. 无论如何,与大家分享我的心得而已… 希望也能让大家赞同,也许可以作为生活的推动力...
记住,一定要笑下...这是非常重要的. <人笑多点,命会长一点的> (信不信由你定)
当我思考这句话的时候, 也突然让我联想到了这些...
人若缺乏<生气>,那么这个人就不是< 人 >.
以上的<人若>是自己编的,如果有何误解或错的话,请多多指教. 这些话,对我真的好好用,能够让我自己激发自己的信心...听了他的一遍道理,也许胜过读一年的书了… 谢谢了uncle. 我也忘了他的大名了. 无论如何,与大家分享我的心得而已… 希望也能让大家赞同,也许可以作为生活的推动力...
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