i had apply the "youthmalaysia.com" yesterday ... and it had been approve ... let see how it works....

::: in the first i check my mail this morning .
and i go to gmail and recheck that , whether is what i apply or not ....

::: yah .. i confirm that is what i apply , then i got back to check my gmail account. and suddenly i find this in the site.... see below.

::: it is my blog... hahaha.. so i decide to put a flag in my blog liaolo ....
back to my gmail account again .

::: i copy the the script link into my blog... below is the letter to my gmail account....
Greetings from YouthMalaysia!
Congratulations, Rambochai! Your entry has been approved. You are now in the running for The Malaysian Dotcom Youth Search 2008 award.
In order to confirm your participation in the competition, all you have to do is activate the Voting Banner on your website.
To add the banner to your site, follow these simple steps:
1. Copy this script and add it in your website’s HTML code after the tag.
2. You will now see the Voting Banner on the top corner of your website.
3. Start inviting your friends to vote for you by clicking on the Voting Banner!
In order to avoid abuse of our system, we have enabled every user to vote only once per hour. For more information, check out our website at http://www.youthmalaysia.com/youthsearch/index.html
finally i got my blog with the "VOTE TO ME" , seeeee------

wahahaha... it is good , rite??? no matter can "win" or not ? i don't know lah ... but at least i got the experience to involve in certain "game" ??? hahaha... is quiet a good experience for me... - 1st time mah .... hehehehe ....
peng eu! Youth is belum kahwin wan hor ! ahhahaahh!
wahahaha... belum kahwin ? my heart "sim" still young mah ....
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