today, 20071126... my parent and friends decide to celebrate my birtday. actually my birthdate sould be 28/11 (wednesday), b'cos of a bit "time crash" while celebrate on the day of 28/11. and also my "partner" want to go INDONESIA for her parent's "pass away (feel sad for that) on this coming friday. so here is few of the picture...
it has "2" group to celebrate my birthday. 1 is my parent...
we went to restaurant at pending arround 6.30pm.
here is some pic at the restaurant...

::: my small small family: me, christopher, jacqueline, christina
::: 我的小小家庭: 我,BOY,薇,NANA.

::: my BIG family: grandmother,father,me,christopher,brother,mother,christina,jacqueline,sister,sister.
::: 我的大家庭: 婆婆,老爸,我,BOY,弟弟,妈妈,NANA,薇,妹妹,妹妹.

::: family with some father's friend
::: 与我老爸朋友的照片

::: grandmother and I - 我必须要珍惜与她在一起的时间... 不是消极的思想, 而是给自己的一个鼓励.
::: 婆婆 与 我

::: 4 generation: father,grandmother,christopher(myson) and I
::: 4 代同堂 : 老爸,婆婆,BOY,我

::: the angpau that my grandmother give me . (谢谢你了.婆婆)
::: 婆婆给我的红包 - (没有想过还可以拿红包) 愿神的祝福临到我的婆婆...
As we (my small small family) planning with my SLAP! family we will started in our house arround 8.30pm. well there is "ngamngam" the time when we going home. wait for other member come also . we prepare the dish that all the people buy/cook at outside...

::: DISHES that had prepare
::: 各人所预备的食物

::: after we got our prayer of the food . we start and eat the food...
::: 做了祝福祷告后,我们开始用餐了

::: BOY and NANA (picture took while they playing arround)

::: SLAP! FAMILY... (some of the people is not coming)

::: my birthday cake

::: after make a wish . i chop my cake ... WUhahahaha....

::: the cake and the gift that they "KONGSI" buy for me .

::: Oh... the snowcap
it is good for me to use on the stage. because i will always lost my snowcap when finish a show... just like few time ago... i had lost around 6-8 snowcap ready ... what ashame... hahaha... but i dont like much about the t-shirt that they bought, u know y? it look abit like "AKUA" lah ... dont believe? maybe show a little my "CHOUYANG"(丑样)

::: oooo... so bad... i scard to put all the pic. it let me loose FACE of SLAP! nia...hahaha
any where. we were still remember that we got a friend that still with us . that is aloysius. so mandy(aloygirlfriend) had also prepare the "kain" for us to keep as "留念". since this is good for us to remember that we need to "珍惜" each other relationship... so we take a picture that cheers to him

::: for ALOYSIUS....

::: this is the pic take with mandy(jackson,me,mandy,leslie,alastair,aliang,edwin,asiang)
Finally we take some GROUP picture as our "record"

::: this is - "我有拳头" (Aliang,leslie,asiang,me,edwin,jackson,alastair)

::: the girl is "kiasu", so also call that to have a picture for GIRL....
::: hahaha --- the name i think i dont want to put 1st ... so that you guy can imagine which girl belong to which man... rite?

::: this is the group picture that we took ALL of the comers... but look like my face is a bit different that because of the camera shutter speed is slow... and ASIANG is "kaciao" me .... oooo so bad....
so this is the end of the birthday gathering for me...
thanks a lot man ... cheers...
hoo.. happy birthday lol.. :P
Bao!Happy Birthday To YoU~~
Saw the ang pao which ur grandmaa gave to u, i saw the SONY on that ang pao lar.. wah~ Tot she bought a Sony for u.. At the end only the red packet~^^
[rawangboy]大小孩/肥小孩, 一起快乐.呵呵... 哈哈... 我知道你不是来灌水的la... anywhere... 谢谢我们已经搞好了"物物交换"... yeah...
[isaac]helo ... 谢谢你的祝福咯...
你的部落加油了... 我有订阅哦... :)
[charlene]hahaha, but still thanks that she give the andpau to me ... even nomoney inside, it is just a wish that she give me ... may god bless into her life too...
God bless to your grandma, god bless to my grandma too~^^
Happy Birthday!!! smiLes
happy birthday^^
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