pirated cd at kuching

pirated cd at kuching

pirated cd at kuching

this is the important signal that u can feel there is many outsider had come to kuching for doing the business. actually this is related about 小龙女. maybe u will say is different. but what i notice on the seller. they are very dangerous... look on their wear... u might feel some thing on it.

也许人们认为没有什么. 但是你可以慢慢发现本地很多这些 '外国游客' 已经在这里古晋有了自己的秘密基地/组织了. 这是好是坏呢? 相信很多的人都很难下定论吧? 有人说> 哦~ 他们白天做生意.晚上就做别的生意. 出来买CD 的, 是在物色金龟婿, 看到容易上钩的(就是有些色男), 就想办法放钓钩了. 当然不能否认还是会有'单单纯纯'这里做生意的人, 但是我们也应该很难分辨吧? 在看看回来, 翻版如此猖狂, 真是让各个创作人, 难以解决... 希望人民的生活知识/学问能提升... 尊敬知识产权...

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