20071208, 今天就是ROCK party 了. 中午3点PM rehearsal. 吖... 真的是很多很多很多很多的照片...别人拍的照片都是很漂亮的wor.... 害我很不好意思拿我拍的照片出来了... 不断去问 BLOGGER 或专业的人找... 所以咯就比较迟才 POST 上来 . 而且我看了照片后, 我真的是不知道要如何与大家分享... 真的实在感动的话要说了... 1-2遍是说不完的... 我想了很久... 我真的是需要慢慢描绘我在 ROCK 里经历的事情... 更是需要与"那些"要搞本地音乐或娱乐的朋友分享... 就从开始"入门"那里说起吧...
20071208, today is the rock party days... we got a rehearsal at 3pm. actually i got so many excellent picture that i want to share... and i found that i am very shy to put the picture that i take to put on here... so that's take my time to post the article about rock party for the day loh... i got so many word to say , and 1-2 post is not enough to describe about the rock party... i have to think and think and think what to write/describe my feeling about the rock party night.... and 1st of all- I just start that while I sampai there and the thing/picture i have taken... let start from the time while I reach there...

::: NEWSPAPER --- 各大报章...
我看了这些新闻报道, 心里就有很多的感动... 感动不是因为自己的脸在报上... 而是因为本地这里原本很少有本地的娱乐"大事"报道- 然而这些报馆付出了这些"写写"在古晋这里... 而且又是FULL COLOR的... 不只是1-2篇... 我真的是感激万分... 不禁差点流下"男人泪"... (!.!) --- 算了... 没有搞本地娱乐的人是很难了解的...
when i look at the newspaper on the entrance. my heart is very touch... I’m get touch is not because the newspaper got SLAP!/own advertise... it is because kuching have seldom to post a local "artist" news that big and many post... then, now the all of the local newspaper is full of our LOCAL "report" + FULL COLOR... what a nice thing for kuching people here. rite? i think this will not touch for the people who didn’t have involve in local entertainment..


::: we also sell the CD album and DREAM MACHINE 的 CD 还没有放上来

::: SLAP! + DREAMMACHINE + UGLYMEN 的专辑 (album)
看到这些专辑, 我就会想到从前 slap! 的第一和第二张的制作 -
1st demo / 2nd ep and latest album
真的是不容易... 现在已经是2007了... 不知道明年的今天还会不会有多一张呢?
it is not easy to produce an ALBUM , and now is already 207... Don’t know next year 2008 - are slap! Going to have new album? (i also don't know)

::: 工作人员也是很重要咯... 真的是辛苦他们了... 加油咯...
::: the crew is very important for an event... really need to thank that they helping in this event...
当然在等待的时候. 我也看看了四周的人潮... 当然也是少不了拍照咯...
while waiting. I’m looking all around... and surely i take many picture lo

::: 演出地点/performance venue - FEVER

::: 在等待的时候真的不是很多人咯...
::: when we are waiting, it was really not much people come yet...
在等待"等等等"的一下... 朋友们就开始陆续的来了咯....
While enjoy the 1st team (channel1) ... the supporter/member start come in to this event...

::: timothy and girl friend, gladiezz, anna, angel, allen

::: anna, irene, gladiezz and angel

::: 乐团的人员都预备好乐器了...
::: most of the rocker/band is ready prepare for the performance

::: 在开始的时候, 好采还有蛮多人一下的... 只是开始的时候观众都是比较"安静"一些些的... :)
::: when the show is start, "hengcai" there is more crowd, the only thing is "abit" diamdiam la... :)
当我进去到里面的时候. 除了拍照- 还有就是各位 blogger 的支持(SLAP!的专辑) , 我真的是万分感激... 当然我们肯定是要为他们签个名字咯... 留个纪念... 那肯定需要写上日期咯... 就这样...我超级高兴的...
when i was in side, beside taking photo- we do signage for the blogger that support in our album CD... sure we must leave the date / our signature lo, rite... this is really "happening" for us to do a "1st" meaning thing in the rock party...

::: 签上我的小名 - rambo (有看到了吗?)
::: this is my signature - rambo (did u see it?)

::: 当然也少不了拍照啦... / picture taken by timothy, irene, jimmy

::: 看这个... 还有用PROJECTOR喔...
::: look at this... projector for the people at the "very back" in the club...

::: 表情很像是要大便喔??? 呵呵呵....
::: is my face look like want to "pangsai" hahhaa....

::: 这是脱了SNOWCAP的我... 哎- 是不是觉得难过了呐??? 不帅了吗? 哈哈哈... 那我就带回去咯...
::: this is after i take off my snowcap... is that very ugly look ? hahaha... if really so bad? Then i gonna "bring" my image back loh... actually i got not so much very "pro" image/picture lah ... i mostly like the true person of mine to show that "this is my identity" :) kampatei

::: 那一个比较帅??? 见仁见智啦.... :) 嘻嘻嘻/// 我觉得啊--- 有带没带SNOWCAP的我 - 都是很很很帅的吧??? :P
::: so .... is this nicer or the picture on top? hehehe/// I think got SNOWCAP or NO - one word - "still a very handsome guy" rite ?
表演的程序, 真的不容易编排出来的... 因为全部都是很厉害的乐团... 都是很有爆发力的 BAND... 然而毕竟还是需要做到最好的编排方式...
for the band that who come to perform or late perform... ah... that is very headache thing ... because every band for tonight performer all look a kind of very PRO on stage... this is not easy to arrange all the band ... but because we still need to finalize our schedule ... so this come out.
1 ::: channel 1
2 ::: spider web
3 ::: 噪
4 ::: dyerbreed
5 ::: visualies
6 ::: uglymen
7 ::: slap!
8 ::: dreammachine
接下来, 我会做详细的乐团简介... 希望真的能够写好...
will post more details about the band ... and hope that i can write better english...
to be continue-
* sorry for my poor English... :)
ur english is not bad lar.. where is ur confidence? come on man..
uncle rambo.. i only can tell u 1 truth. u r really handsome, but in uncle level only lar.. haha~~~
just joking.. mai angry ar^^
Wah. Double language. Cool cool. I can foresee a lot of parts coming up soon. Can't wait oh! =D
[chalene] hahaha... my english/angmo is for kuching lah maybe ... and i'm learning to be "humble" mah ... :)
[silverisle} 呵呵呵/... hope i got the time to do that lo... i see your post too ... very nice ... i will post ALL(try my best) the link that post about rockparty that nite ... yeah ,,, kampatei!!!
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