dyerbreed 乐团
这支乐团里面, 我比较熟的人就是jerry and boon . 开始的他们也是缺了歌手和guitarist的... 但是由于他们的毅力, 坚持 (我看得出)... 终于有了其他的团员加入... 现在想想, 他们也是从艰辛里走了出来... 在创造着未来的梦想... 虽然不知道能够走到多遥远... 但是人身的路途, 总有开始的第一步... 接下来的日子, 唯有等待着时间与精神慢慢的摸索与探讨未来的"音乐旅程"了... dyerbreed - 加油了
In this band , the person i know 1st is jerry and boon. in the starting time, they are not enough member to handle singing and guitar part... since they have a "heart" that want to form a band ... finally they had find the other member come in. they are really "susah" to form / start a band like that, because need to find the "yamyam" friendship like goog good one ... since now ready form out a team , we still don't know how the future of this band... but it must have a starting point that they have to achive a future dream they like to be/have... dyerbreed , a word for you - "jiayou" lo ...

::: dyerbreed poster

::: before the show started - get from norman

::: jerry,norman,yeeboon,jack,caleb

::: jimmy post

::: charlene post

::: timothy post

::: they take off the shirt while the crowd request for it ....

其实在现场脱衣服... 真的是会很不好意思的... 如同slap! 也曾经在 REDANGROCKGOGO 脱衣服... 呵呵呵... 现在想回来不知道他们的感想如何呢? 但是对一些开放的人来说是没有什么啦. 如果让一些思想比较保守的, 就是"大事了"吧? 相信他们在当场的团员们也是因为受不了观众的"提议"所以在"紧张不知所措"的情况下就开始"豁"了出去的吧??? 无论怎样... 如果未来面对同样的事情发生, 然而表演的人又不愿脱的话, 我觉得是可以解决的... 如何解决呢--- 呵呵--- 就是开始玩音乐(进入状况)... 这样就能"安全"的逃过一切了吧... :)
actually for live performance , sometime will have this "takeOFF" shirt problem come out... just like slap! also ever "takeOFF" shirt while performing at REdang ROCK GOGO http://rambochai.blogspot.com/2006/06/blog-post_28.html ... hahaha... when thinking back about it... dont know how is their feeling for that night? but it was natural for the "open minded" people... and surely it was a big problem for those who hard to accept this "kind" of "thing" happen infront their eye... i believe that they was feeling "unwell" while the crowd request for "take off the shirt"??? hahaha... but all is ok lah .... if we performer want to defend this thing happen, it have a step to get through easy to do... that is - performer just directly play music.... just like that , i think the crowd will also "gointo" for the music and dont care about to ask performer to do so & so & so.... endword- happy "jiuho", rite ? :)

::: show at REDANGRockGoGo
这支乐团也是很厉害的哦. 我真的感觉古晋这里事实上是有很多很多的人才的. 只是有好多的人"藏"了起来而已.
this band is strong also ... i found that actually kuching is so many "kiangkiang" punya people . and some people might "hide" himself. or maybe no any performing stage for them to explore... this is what i think la...

::: visualies poster

::: visualise band

::: russel, guitarist, guitarist, singer

::: 2 drummer (i dont know which one is the "comfirm" drummer) maybe both are the same team inside... :) i need to ask them more detail "paiseh" ah visualise... maybe we need to get more "limteh"... so that we can exchange and understand more, rite?

::: timothy post

::: jimmy post

::: can see the crowd is enjoying the rock party
i like to see a person in this band, he bring a very "bright" look for me (as wat i feel lah) ... his name call russel who play the bass guitar... hahaha... sound funny, rite? russel - may god bless you... (this want no need to translate to chinese lah....) hehehe....
to be continue-
之前相关的报道 / post before
@ 2007rockparty poster
@ 2007rockparty #1
@ 2007rockparty #2
@ 2007rockparty #3
@ 2007rockparty #4
@ 2007rockparty #5
wahaha.. pro now ar? gambatek!
i wanna join the rock party again next yr!!! remember invite me again hor^.^
i wanna go also ahahahha!
very good post....
thanks for the reviews rambo! cheerss !
hey rambo thanks for the review! u guys also did an awesome show that night! nahaha ill try my best from now on~!
[charlene] hahaha... yah ... wait for hooi ??? hahaha... just joking lah ...
[timwalvoon] hahaha... hope next year can do better.
[dy] yah... hope your future support also.
[russ] may god bless u and ur future "dream" come true , yah???
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