所有 rock party 的乐团, 我都已经一一的介绍完了... 然而我现在这个POST的重点是要感谢各界人士的帮忙.... 希望在来的rockparty也同样倍受关注与踊跃的参与...
I have introduce all of the ROCK PARTY band who perform, but i would like to do my "thanks" to all of the people who make a support to us...

::: slap! picture

::: ha ha ha ... camwhole
真的要谢谢 A hao (这次主要主办的人), 他的付出真的是很多的... 很多的工作岗位虽然都填瞒瞒的, 但是似乎我们这些"小角色"都很少出到了什么力...
really thanks that AHAO can make a very very good job... we are not doing so many event thing although he help us to do much much more...

::: a hao

::: 这次的主持人 ( me, KWANG SUI, adelin e)

::: Adeline (cats Fm DJ, 中文: qingling) & slap! picture
下一位是之前都有经常合作拍 VIDEO 的导演... 也算得上是古晋"名人"之一... 以后要出名可以找他... 哈哈哈哈...
the next is a kuching video director.... also a person who very famous in kuching.... if you want to get famous... u can find him ... hiakhiakhiak...

::: 沈如康 - simrukang (导演 / director)
这位也是不得了的人物... 他很厉害做 video editing ... 我找他帮我拍 MV 很多次了, 可是就是碰不上"好"的时间... 因为他都很忙碌要做他的 VIDEO shooting 生意...
guihua, my friend... i had ask him to help us to produce our MV... but he alway busy one... although we plan for it , but sometime also susah meet the "ngamngam" time...

::: 蔡贵华 - 摄影师 - chai gui hua - video cameraman

::: 我们在讨论一些事情, 我忘记是说什么了... 我只是觉得这张拍得蛮自然一下, 所以就放了上来咯...
::: we are planning for something, and i got forgot what i talk to him... but since i feel this pic is nice, so i just share on here...

::: 另外一位摄影师 , 只是我不知道他叫什么名字... (paiseh)
::: paiseh, i don't know this camera man... but i will ask for the next time meet :P

::: charlene & guihua

::: Charlene 也是帮忙负责拍摄全部的场面, 这里有好些照片都是她拍的...
::: there is picture taken by Charlene , but I'm not sure which one is taken by her...
还有这位淑燕, 她也同样帮忙拍照... 她也是同样热爱音乐... 也一样为了音乐付出了她的岁月, 直到现在还一样的为了音乐打拼, 虽然很多时候都看起来不太顺利, 但是我相信 - 坚持不渝的精神, 一定能跨国一切的困难的... 淑燕 - 加油咯...
next is a singer call shuyan... i really appreciate that she can really full time work with music... it is really hard to survive...but i believe that she will have a success day with a good plan in future... "jiayou"...

::: 淑燕 / shuyan

::: chao liang (new paper reporter)

::: 又是camwhole, 我是觉得我本来就没有什么形象的, 所以不是和大家分享咯... 其实这张也不是我拍的... 我忘记了在那里copy的... 但是我觉得一定就是下面(有blogger LINK)其中一个人拍的了...
::: this is camwhole time :P ... i ready think myself had no more image liao, so i just share with you all lo... sorry forget whose picture is this ready... paiseh... but i think the link might be shown at below ....

::: Timothy post

::: pazuzu post

::: gladiezz post

::: 会场里面所有的人 / people in the house

::: 这张里面的朋友都是在看后面的PROJECTOR的... 开始的时候我还以为是 "football" 之类的... 没想到 - 看清楚- 原来我们这个 ROCK PARTY 也有"现场转播"叻... 厉害叻////
::: this is front projector view... in the 1st sense i feel , i thought is a football show, but after i realize is a "live show" for the rock party... hahaha////
当然最重要的还是我们从西马(听起来比较有代表性)邀请来的知名乐团 - UGLYMEN ... 他们不计没有金钱, 为了就是与古晋的朋友们分享他们的音乐... 真的很谢谢他们的付出...
also need to thank uglymen that they come without the money reason + any any any other bad reason, cos of the function got no money paid one... uglymen still would like to come with on a heart that only music sharing about their music to all the kuching people... really thanks a lot...

::: UGLYMEN 全体照

::: 3 on 3 ...

::: uglymen & slap!

::: uglymen & slap!

::: silverisle 也是跟随 uglymen 来的. 还有uglyboy & uglygirl 各一位 (当晚很像没有拍到他们) :P
::: silverisle also follow uglymen come to kuching. still with an uglyboy & uglygirl each person , sorry that i cant find your picture in the library that night :P

::: me & silverisle
all the blogger picture is at below

::: 单单EDIT, 我就花了 1个小时多了... 但是, 我还是觉得是值得的...
::: i use about 1 hour + to do the editing... + enlarge the picture ...
::: pazuzu , alen , timothy , irene law , angel , gladiezz , johnston

::: angel , jimmychin

::: 这些全部都算是CAMERAmen / all are cameramen

::: anna and i

::: johnston, me , and rose

::: alen support our ALBUM

::: look at the silverisle... hahaha... "bingong"???
::: slap! live performance - 原谅我 - thanks guihua doing this for slap!
thanks JIMMYCHIN post this(below) video clip
::: slap! part1 - 谢谢你
::: slap! part2 - untitled
::: slap! part3 - 理想
Uglymen Dances from gLaDieZz on Vimeo
::: uglymen dance (cute)
AUDIO clip from ahbao
SLaP! ---- Dream Machine ---- Dream Machine ---- Dyerbread1 ------------------------------------------------------------
Root Concert Sarawak - Slap!
Root Concert Sarawak - Dream Machine
Root Concert Sarawak - Uglymen
Root Concert Sarawak - Visualise
Root Concert Sarawak - Dyerbreed
就这样的一个 ROCK PARTY - 结束了... 但是我相信摇滚/乐团的精神是依然存在的... 为音乐创作付出的人... 必定会得到认同的... 当然老话一句, 也可以用唱的确 - 谢谢你 - 加油了 - 我所有的朋友...
so the end the rockparty is ending - and as i believe - the "mood" of the ROCK / MUSIC will never be absolute ... sure the end, may use sing - thank you - to all my friend...

thanks for all the LINK below
timothy part 1 timothy part 2
charlene part 1 charlene part 2 charlene part 3
ahbao part 1 ahbao part 2 (song)
jimmychin angel apple irene rose catscity ahjiao
uglymen uglymen part 1
gladiezz part 1 gladiezz part 2 gladiezz part 3 gladiezz part 4
pazuzu part 0 pazuzu part 1 pazuzu part 2 pazuzu part 3
我之前相关的报道 / my post before
@ 2007rockparty poster
@ 2007rockparty #1
@ 2007rockparty #2
@ 2007rockparty #3
@ 2007rockparty #4
@ 2007rockparty #5
@ 2007rockparty #6
End liao lor... T_T
I see me inside there! =P
We miss you guys so much. Must go back soon next time. Keep the rocking spirit on yo!
Wow.. Really nice post :)
With overall photos and links... Don't think anyone can do better than you :)
Wheee... I see me in there... Wah... Everytime see any post on the Rock Party feel so high arrrr....
SYIOK! Bila ada lagi? Remember tell us... Muahahahaha
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