第一支乐团 - channel 1 的演出真的是没有让我失望... 都已经有一段的时间没有组合起来了玩BAND了...... 从前的CHANNEL 1 . 到现在依旧火热了起来... 希望这火也会不断的燃烧...
the 1st team for tonite - channel 1 ... i really apreciate them... they are stop jamming for few years time ready ... but since the "heart" to music still have that fire burning... that is not easy thing...

::: channel 1 poster

::: channel 1 算得上是我们的前辈. 虽然是停顿了一段时间... 但是他们的勇气- 还是很让我敬佩的
::: channel 1 is calculate in our front line in kuching as well ... although they stop a few years time...

::: pazuzu, davy, 天平,文凯

::: 这是 pazuzu/alvin 的个人照片... 是timothy edit 的哟... 我是问过timothy可以放在我这里的了...
::: this is the pic of pazuzu, also known as alvin... edit by timothy ... i had ask from timothy permision ready wor...
::: 全体个人的经典照片 / full band personal picture

::: 这是JIMMYchin的照片, 我知道是有点暗... 但是没有关系的啦... 我要说的是: JIMMY, 无论多不漂亮的照片, 我们都要珍惜...边毕竟都有它的美感的... JIMMY- 加油咯... 谢谢你的支持...
::: this picture is taken by jimmy, i know it is a bit dark... but never mind... no matter how the quality is , will also have their own value... jimmy- add your oil , ya?

::: charlene 的 post - 她的 FONT 很好看... / her font is nice

::: irene ,也是谢谢你- 而这张照片我是没有拍到主持人的主持照片我没有... 嘻嘻... 所以这张我是没有错过咯...
::: irene ,thanks for your post as well ... i din't manage to taken the "host" picture... so, i also will post this pic in my post lah... :)

::: 然后这张就是 CHANNEL 1 perform 完的时候拍的...
::: then this is the pic that channel 1 finish perform...
在接下来的乐团也是很有势力的了... 当然也是算古晋乐团的老将... 他们就是 SPIDER WEB --- 相信全部的年龄加起来都有超过 180 以上了吧? 但是看看他们当晚的精彩的表演后... 不知道你们有什么感想呢??? 我是有很多感想的...

::: spider web

::: 每一次看到不同不同的乐团, 我都会在想- 他们的这个乐团是如何 FORM 起来的呢? 老实说我也真的还没有真正的与他们交流过这个耶...
::: every time i will think about how every band to be form together... it must have a story "behind the scene"... and i had never get to know them by sharring "deep"

::: 如果是说他们乐团给我的第一个印象除了乐团以外的话, 也许就是"喝酒"了吧? 呵呵呵... 我知道他们 SPIDERWEB 已经大概有5-6年了吧... 每次出台有一起同台的话... 他们肯定是喝酒的... 哈哈哈... 觉得是没有什么烦恼的吧?
::: the member of spider for my "memory" is they will get so many drink before the stage performer... i know them is arround 5-6 years ready... and every time when we have the chances to be together on the performance back stage, they surely will drink .... hahaha... look them just like every time happy happy one ...

::: 我是不知道他们的名字啦... 但是我每次看到他们我都会叫 -- UNCLE!?!? 呵呵呵... 我是真的真的这样叫的哦... 每次见到他们我也是很自然的就叫了"UNCLE". 不是说我懒惰... 而是我想来想去... 我们这些做晚辈的还是要叫声叔叔来得更有意义吧... 这也不代表说晚辈没有叫叔叔就 = 是"不尊敬"的.... 也是要见仁见智的啦... 只是我自己觉得我还是叫叔叔比较来得更亲切... :)
::: i dont know their personal name/nick... but while i meet them, i will call them as "uncle".... hahaha... im really really call uncle... it ... when i meet them my mouth also will automatically call them uncle ready... is not because of i lazy to remember their name ... then i/myself think that we this little little boy for them , we better call them as uncle, cos we are really smaller then they are... but it is also not count in rude as we din't have call uncle lah.... it is depend on people/personality only .... :)

::: picture taken by jimmy

::: u can see spiderweb and performing and the soundman akiong is controlling the sound....

::: picture taken & edit by timothy

::: 当 spiderweb 结束表演的时候, host就开始问了些问题... 以让更多人认识和分享...
::: while they are finish peformance, the host is manage to ask some question to let more people know about them...
是一支新的乐团... 成立差不多半年. 是 SLAP! 乐团的鼓手 + DREAMMACHINE 的 HAO + VISUALIES 的 guitarist and bassist . 音乐会曲风格是属于"吵" . 而且唱的歌词都是一个字一个字的...

::: 噪 / zao band

::: 这是我拍的照片喔... 其实在这里有好多的照片都不是我拍的... 真的是要谢谢 : guihua, charlene, pazuzu, 还有各个的 BLOGGER.... 我会在未来的 POST 放上全部的 LINK 上来感谢...
::: this is the picture i take... actually there is many picture i post on here is not mine... really need to thank those who take the picture for this rock party: guihua, charlene, pazuzu, and all of the blogger... i will post the link in future... (last post)

::: hao, guitarist, leslie, russel

::: timothy edit 的///

::: charlene post

::: JIMMY post

::: irene post
to be continue-
2007rockparty poster
2007rockparty #1
timothy here ahhahah! very good post! good effort....!
cant wait for more heheh!
I'm finally back in my hometown! Will find time to update soon. =D
[::: charlene 的 post - 她的 FONT 很好看... / her font is nice]
eh.. hello. what u mean my front is nice? =.=
[tim] hahaha.. ready post #4
[silverisle] wait for u lorrr
[charlene] that is the font not the "front" lah ... (=.=)
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