这张贴都是完全关于 SLAP! 乐团....

::: slap! poster
当晚很多的人都是自己的朋友... 很少是外面不太认识的人... 尤其是"外客"是更加的少... 这点我有些不明白... 难道就没有所谓的外来"朋友"支持了吗? 可见得支持摇滚的人是少之又少喔... 所以这里的观众我就称为朋友... 无论如何节目还是要开始的.. 其实我有很多话/想法想要写在这里的... 尤其是我这样喜欢说话的一个人, 当然是不会错过与大家分享我的点点滴滴咯... 可惜的是, 最近我真的比较没有时间... 无论怎样, 我还是很喜欢在这里写写的... 因为有你的鼓励啊~~~
actually there was so many of friend that go for support rock party... it is not much outsider that come to support... maybe of the rock party advertisement is not enough? i will get "NO answer" for this (i think)... so i call rock party crowd is my "friend", i think this will sound nicer, rite? there is too many word that i trying to write, cos my "talkative" just sukasuka tell/share to people about all what i know... am i telling the truth about myself... :)

::: 在预备的过程 / while prepare for the instrument

::: 朋友们预备/等待的时刻 - our friend is waiting for the start

::: 我在问候朋友, 说了一些开场白... 当然也是希望了解一下倒底有没有人看着咯... 哈哈哈
::: i am requesting for people support... and also make that is there any people looking at us loh... hahaha

::: 这是PAZUZU拍的... 我在问候的时候... 希望有人回应我... 我就听听看有没有人的 RESPOND 咯
::: this is taken by PAZUZU... this is while i'm asking is there any people hearing... so i try to hear whether any people answer for my "call"

::: SLAP! 预备好咯... 第一首歌曲: 老板我要钱 ---- slap!STANDBY lo... 1st song- BOSs i want $
当晚我们的歌曲编排是 / our song arrange is:
1 - 老板我要钱 / BOSs ! i want money
2 - 谢谢你 / thank you
3 - untitled from simple plan
4 - 原谅我 / forgive me
5 - 理想 / dream

::: 在唱老板我要钱的表情 / my face while singing BOS! i want money
当晚其实我都希望大家都会在歌词比较简单/容易的地方一起唱的... 所以我都要求大家一起唱... 来来来... 一起唱 - 老板! 我要钱! 在歌曲最后的时候, SLAP! 都是用了有节奏感的方式, 就是希望大家能够一起跟着唱的...
i feel hope to sing together with all my friend at the lyric that is simple/easy to follow... it will be very "powerful" while singing in the part that sound very "strong" - BOSs ! I WANT MONEY .... so we sing together that night also ... playing the beat that feel like dancing at the end of the song ... ... hahaha....

::: slap! team member / 团员: leslie , rambo , edwin , jackson

::: 在唱"谢谢你"的时候, 尤其是在唱最后的 1 part 的时候, 大家也都跟着一起唱 - 谢谢你.....
::: we all sing together in the part of "thank you" also ...
然而在唱的过程时候,确我也要求下面的朋友们 (向旁边的朋友们"看着"说谢谢你) 喔... 虽然我可以看到有些会害羞"不敢"说, 但是还是有好几位都有向旁边的人说... 当我看到这样的情形, 无形中我心里也有了安慰... 毕竟这首歌是有意义的...
while singing in the part of the middle, i also request that people at down stage can just simple simple say to each other the word of "thankyou"... wow... it is a sweet thing in my eye (as i think), cos we dont know when we will meet again in future or not... and i feel that chinese people seldom to say thank you without any any "work" for them... so i hope myself to be a person that can really help/encourage people to speak more good thing then the bad word... and i think the word of "thank you" is the easier word to say beside other thing that can describe our human heart... may this song keep in our heard to always remember say the good/help encourage people to be better in our life...

::: 人人都跟着唱这首歌, 我站在前面只是短短的时间"描"了几下... 看到全部的人都跟着酱, 的确画面是很感动的...
::: while every one singing "thank you", although i stand in front of the stage, but i just look in a second that really is touching picture that i will not forget easily...

::: 这张是 SLAP! 在演奏"谢谢你"的时候 - 我蛮欣赏这张照片的
::: i like this picture... four of us in a frame as u can see...

::: 哈哈哈... PAZUZU 帮我拍的CloseUP照.

::: jimmy post

::: PAZUZU post

::: 然而在唱下一首的歌曲(untitled)的时候, 我也是向大家解说为何我们要唱这首歌 - 原因是因为"纪念" 我们SLAP!里头一位朋友的"离开"... 然而我们SLap!乐团只有排练1次而已... 而且我都用"KAPOK"(就是夹guitar起KEY的东西) , 所以我都不太熟习这首的 LEAD guitar part 这首歌曲 ... 间中都有一些些的玩不好. :P ... 然而这首歌是edwin唱...
::: while singing the song title of "untitled", i explain the reason to sing this song - this is because we want to "memory" our friend (aloi) .... although we only practice one time... then i got to use "kapok" (the thing clip on the guitar) to adjust my key to play better... so i was not familiar about the chord and the lead part... it has a part that i play "run out of key"... and this song is sing by edwin...

::: timothy post

::: 下面的朋友在投入/欣赏着这首歌曲,也有些跟着唱的.
::: this is a picture that every one is enjoy for this music...

::: Jimmy post: silverisle , anna , gladiezz and timothy's girl friend

::: 我忘记了这张是从那里download下来的了. 因为照片里没有放他的"sign"
::: sorry that i got forget where i download this picture.

::: timothy post

::: 这是我在演唱"原谅我"的时候, 已经是留了很多的汗水 -
::: while i singing "forgive me", i was "flood" full of my body ready ... hahaha-
看看我喉咙的"经" 是不是飚出来啊... 有人问我怎么会酱厉害的... 其实我也不知道的...我只是知道每当我用心唱歌的时候, 就是会浮现"经"了. 哈哈哈... 在最后的时候, 我没有想到"原谅我"那 1 part 会有这么多的人一起跟着唱... 心里也感觉安慰...
look in my "hao leng kin"(:P don't know the English calling) all is come out ready... some people ask me, why i will be like that when singing ah? tell u : i also don't know. i sing when i am "feel" or "touch" i will be fully enjoy singing through the song ... and i was really touch that hearing people singing together "yuanliangwo- yuanliangwo----" wow... touching...

::: 在开始理想的歌曲之前, 有个人走向我说: 可以为我的其中一位朋友庆祝生日吗? 我听了一口答应咯... 毕竟也是来支持 ROCK PARTY 的人. 就这样, SLAP! 花了大概10分钟的时间帮他庆祝了一番... 原本我们都很少为人弹奏生日歌曲的, 而且有没有什么预备... 但是我还是简单的弹了guitar... 然而全部SLAP!的团员也只有跟着咯... 呵呵... (幸好是有默契的, 不然就愀大了)呵呵呵....
::: i was told by a person to help the birthday celebration for his friend... i had "ok" to him... so slap! celebrate for him ... and i seldom help people to play the birthday song in our "show" since this is not "practice song" . then i just play my self, "hengcai" that slap! got a bit "moqi" that we can play good good also ... hahaha....

::: 看看他的朋友都很高兴的帮他庆祝 / his friend celebrate for him

::: 那么接下来, 当然是继续我们的最后一首歌曲咯, 也是 slap! 2 ep 的主打歌... 事实上我们也没有说要预备这首歌曲的. 因为 uglymen 的到来... 我们还是希望呈现这首歌曲给他们, 因为他们认识我门的时候(2005)的时候, 就是因为这首歌曲--- 理想
::: the next song is our 2006 ep song call "lixiang" (dream) ... we got seldom practice for this song. because of the uglymen come... so we sing this song specially for them. because the time that we know them is around 2005... we play this song in KL, but we haven't record it in the 2006 EP. so we grab this chance to share with them , since this song also meaningful to me, and i feel there might also what you people dream (cos every one got a dream) we cant living without a dream... for the people who had no dream, there will be like a "die" person ...

::: 在解释为何我写了理想这首歌曲... (是有故事的)
::: explain the reason why i wrote this song ... (it has a story behind)

::: 在演奏的时候, 情绪更是高昂...
::: while sharing, the feel is coming...

::: 这张照片, effect 之后的效果让我觉得很好看...
::: i like this effect...

::: 黑白没有色彩...black & white

::: 在结束的一段 - 我累了... 才蹲下去的...
::: ending part - i am tired... just "cool down time"

::: 最后当然是鞠躬, 谢谢朋友们的support...
::: lastly, we thank you for the friend support...
::: 现场演奏"原谅我" / live show at 2007rockparty
::: slap! live performance - 理想
::: 这是SLAP!理想 2005 年前的 MV (DIY)
::: this is the song of slap! "dream" 2005 MV (DIY)
::: 2005 年前的 KL LIVE show / 2005 the live show in KL
就这样 SLAP! 结束了演唱, 当然希望的还是有朋友们的支持... 尤其是本地的人. 我们还是坚持不渝, 虽然路途遥远, 但是只要心依然有着理想, 加上实际的行动, 我就相信没有做不到的事情... .. 献给有理想的的人...
this is the end for rock party night - slap! sharing... sure the word thank you is all for you guy (my friend). we might get harder to do music, but since we got a dream, add "some oil" the train will also keep going... no matter how is the future road, at least we got our step move forward... dedicated for people who had a dream in their heart just like you...
各个 slap! 团员的照片 / slap! member picture...
edwin - bassist

jackson - guitarist

leslie - drummer

rambo - guitarist

thanks for the photo that so many people help us.... will post out next post for my "thank you" post... sorry for i not having the time to write so many thing. and this post is take my 3-4 days to do the PS, writing and soso edit thing... :) but still i feel happy to write on here, because of reader who very support me ... thanks
to be continue-
之前相关的报道 / post before
@ 2007rockparty poster
@ 2007rockparty #1
@ 2007rockparty #2
@ 2007rockparty #3
@ 2007rockparty #4
@ 2007rockparty #5
Congratulations on a great show Rambo.
You guys sound good man. Hope to see/hear more from Slap in the future.
wah wah wah~!
i am very lucky!
cause the pictures i took r in ur guys' poster lar.
wow~ wow~ wow~!
thanks a lot.
n i wanna say something very important.
Ur blog is very NICE man!
Congrats,although I didn't attend the show, but I believe it has been a great concert that nite!
[wombok] u are also creative yeah? cos u wear the "helmet" hahaha////
[charlene] hahaha... thanks for your comment now and also recently... will have the part 6... (thankyou) post... coming soon... take long time to edit... i will also put all the blogger picture as i try my "best" lah... :)
[song_4ever] yeah... that is cool and enjoy show... hope can do on coming year...
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